Saturday, December 1

youth aids summit

Hmmm okay. So Today, as some of you know is Saturday. And, as all of you should know, today was the Youth AIDS Summit at Church. It was freakin awesome. heres a list of the good speakers and Not So Good Ones:
Favorite speakers:
1. A little asian dude named Francis Chan. He was pretty much amaing. He looks like this...
Yeah, hes just a little Asian dude, but he was talking about all the changes in the making for his church, and how we were leading the charge. It was awesome. He made me want to go to Kenya. Look for his podcast with Louie Giglio.

2. A super awkward dude that talked all about sex, and what we could and couldn't do. It was definitely not the Saddleback version of the sex talk..... But it was pretty good. "Don't look, Don't Touch, Don't Stimulate" if I remember right. Yeah, anyway, it was good. His name was John Thomas. Heres a pic.

Now....The worst ones:

1. The only one I didn't like. Her name was Jenna Bush. Just a small town girl. Not! Anyway, it wasn't that she was bad, but I could tell she was not a speaker, and was therefore way awkward. Anyway, not her fault, but she wrote a book and now she has to talk about it. My sister compared it to a student going up to big church to share a testimony. A picture:

So, a good day. Ill blog about church tomorow..


Christine.Marie said...

Oh, John Thomas.
I was not such a big fan of his awkwardness.

kayla rae said...

I liked Jenna Bush!
Even though she was kinda akward, it was just because she was nervous...
But what she had to say was good!

ponch0 said...

haha John Thomas was funny...and I LOVED Francis Chan..